Bietigheim-Bissingen is a town in the catchment area of Stuttgart/ federal state Baden-Württemberg (Germany). At the western suburb Metterzimmern - as best address of Bietigheim-Bissingen - the new construction area "Haslacher Weg" is planned with 44 building plots, divided into building plots for single-family houses and two-family houses.
As the new construction area "Haslacher Weg" is located along the busy "Kleinsachsenheimer Straße", the city Bietigheim-Bissingen already demands in the run-up a noise protection wall - which was stated in the development plan.
The main requirement - next to the demanded noise protection characteristics - was that the construction harmoniously fit into the landscape, and that the old traditional large lime tree on the edge of the construction area, was taken into account and retained.
As the new construction area "Haslacher Weg" is located along the busy "Kleinsachsenheimer Straße", the city Bietigheim-Bissingen already demands in the run-up a noise protection wall - which was stated in the development plan.
The main requirement - next to the demanded noise protection characteristics - was that the construction harmoniously fit into the landscape, and that the old traditional large lime tree on the edge of the construction area, was taken into account and retained.
Since noise protection of conventional gabion walls are too low, the decision for Rothfuss® Best Gabion and its noise protection wall Silent Plus® was taken very fast. Silent Plus® is a multi-chamber basket system consisting of the locking rod system monotecR®. In the middle chamber a geo-textile sack is inserted filled with sand.

Example image for side view Silent Plus®
If Silent Plus® is installed and rock-filled in compliance with the assembly instruction, very good results in sound absorption and sound insulation are achieved:
Ground-breaking ceremony was on 01.02.2018, and by now the construction of the noise protection wall Silent Plus® also was realized.
- Absorbent 7dB cat. A2
or highly absorbent > 15dB cat. A5 according DIN EN 1793-1, ZTV LSW 06
- Acoustic insulation 37dB, cat. B4 according DIN EN 1793-2, ZTV LSW 06
Ground-breaking ceremony was on 01.02.2018, and by now the construction of the noise protection wall Silent Plus® also was realized.
Rothfuss® Best Gabion was supplying the relevant components parts for the system:
- Electro-spot-welded, steel-wire mesh-grids with curved and welded eyelet wire-Ø 4,5mm, mesh size 10x10cm, front and back grids mesh size 5x10cm,
- Stay rods wire-Ø 5,0mm,
- Locking rods wire-Ø 6,0mm
- Spacer tubes & Geo-textile sacks

Sauter & Denner GbR, Rottweil - as expert partner - assembled and filled the Silent Plus® noise protection wall on-site.
Achieved was a noise protection wall in a pleasing visual design with below-mentioned characteristics:
- H= 3,50m; W= 1,00m
- Baskets (basically) 200x100x100cm and 200x100x50cm.
- Sand core (middle chamber)
- Limestone gravel (outer chambers)