Gabions from Rothfuss Best Gabion not only cut a fine figure as retaining walls or in decorative areas. As our customer Karl Ditandy GmbH from Oberfell proves, they are also excellent for protecting a newly developing residential area against annoying railway noise.
In Schoden near Trier, about seven kilometres from Saarburg, an attractive new residential area will soon be built. To protect the future residents from the noise emanating from the nearby railway tracks between Wiltingen, Schoden and Saarburg, our customer Karl Ditandy GmbH has now erected a gabion wall that is almost 240 metres long and up to 4.5 metres high.
Our product ROKO (spiral gabion) was used for the construction, which was erected by the experienced gabion builders from Untermosel in a very short time. Especially the possibility of adapting the grids on site played into the hands of our customer, as various kinks and angles had to be formed in the wall on site.
We would like to thank Karl Ditandy GmbH for the successful cooperation and look forward to future joint projects!