When the next generation of Austria’s only vocational school in the agricultural and forestry school system is interested in our products in order to learn “on the living object”, we don’t hesitate. And since spring, a small but fine gabion wall has been at the HBLFA in Schönbrunn. How did it come about? Here is the whole story:

Since 2004, the “Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Schönbrunn” in Austria has been running the specialisations “Garden and Landscape Design” and “Horticulture”. In autumn 2020, Marco Klebel approached us to discuss the project “Gabions for a Research Area”. It quickly became clear: We would like to support this project with our products as well as our detailed documentation including all construction instructions and data sheets.

In May of this year, after a delay caused by the pandemic, the time had finally come: In the course of the subject “practical training in horticulture and floristry” in the sub-area “landscaping and vegetation technology”, first the basic knowledge about the construction of gabions was imparted, and then the new generation was finally allowed to lend a hand themselves.

Under the supervision and guidance of their teachers, the fourth-year pupils were able to erect and fill a previously planned gabion wall. The “monotecR” system from Rothfuss Best Gabion, which is equally suitable for beginners and professionals, was used. Our low-injury safety gabion is suitable for slope protection as well as for use in landscaping or in all places with direct public traffic. It is therefore ideal for use as a hands-on teaching object at the HBLFA Schönbrunn.
We are pleased to be able to support this beautiful project by providing our products free of charge and hope for more exciting teaching content from HBLFA Schönbrunn!